Please don't hesitate to contact us if you discovered a bug or have a feature suggestion.
You can reach us on this email:
If you want a quick introduction to DocSecrets to check out the Get Started! page.
Oct, 2019
Red message
Some users get a red message saying, "Auth... is required ... that action". If you get this sign-out from your Google account and then sign-in again.
June 26, 2018
DocSecrets is verified
We are now a verified as a trusted add-on by Google and any issues with Google's authorization prompt should be fixed.
June 3, 2018
Having trouble getting into DocSecrets?
EU has a new legislation called GDPR, and in response, there are many many changes. DocSecrets is not yet thru Google's verification process but we hope that you can sign in again during this week.
May 30, 2018
- Our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service was updated on May 30, 2018, to reflect the new EEA/EU information privacy legislation, GDPR.
- New website layout released.
May 25, 2018
Our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service was updated on May 25, 2018, to reflect the new EEA/EU information privacy legislation, GDPR.
Common questions
I forgot my passphrase - why don't you offer a reset or recover?
Any system that offers reset/recovery can also decrypt your information. We care about the privacy of your data and have decided not to send or store your passphrase anywhere. However, the drawback of strictly private keys is that if you have forgotten your passphrase your secrets are lost. We recommend that you set up a passphrase hint (click the gear/settings icon).
My passphrase doesn't work!
Sometimes after Google updates Google's automatic authorization system fails to prompt for new credentials. In this case, DocSecret won't have proper permissions. Send us an email if you have this problem and we will help you get around it.
Another common cause is that you are opening a copy of the original document. DocSecrets doesn't support this, see below for more details.
What information do you collect about me?
See our privacy policy and terms of service (links below).
Why can't I make a copy/backup that includes all my secrets?
Secrets are stored as document properties i.e. DocSecrets doesn't store secrets in an external database - you always own and control your document and the document's properties. Unfortunately, Google doesn't copy the properties when you copy/clone a document.
How can I make a backup of my document?
We provide a separate tool that allows you to create a backup. The tool requires permissions to Google Drive and is, therefore, a separate standalone script. The tool is provided "as is" and you should verify that the copy works before you delete the original. Also, most business and school users can't use the tool because of limitations set by your domain administrator.
Will you add Sheets support?
We are looking into this i.e. if we can create a similar solution for Sheets.
How secure is DocSecrets?
DocSecrets uses a private 256-bit encryption key generated using your passphrase. The key or passphrase is never sent anywhere and all encryption is done locally. Secrets are never sent or stored anywhere in clear text.
Inserting secrets (using the Insert button) is safer than censoring text. Google keeps a revision history and anything written to the document will end up here. DocSecrets doesn't remove revisions, it is simply not good practice. If you are very concerned with security insert is the way to go.
Also, when you share a censored document make sure that you use the 'Can view' option this hides the revision history.
Use the Can view option when sharing